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Florence and Nathalie

"Hors-série is the story of a encounter, of common passions and the desire to share them!

Two artists, professional photographers, lovers of nature and travels,

who changed their lives to give themselves the means to live their dreams:

create a travel agency (specialized in photos safaris in Southern Africa),

open a guest house, an art gallery and a photo studio. Just that!"


The desire to open a guest house has been burgeoning for some time now

and was a natural part of our wonderful new life project as a couple.

Although we are originally from Moselle and Lyon, we quickly felt fully adopted by the Périgord!

How could we not succumb to the charm of the place?


It was in 2019, when we were looking for a corner of France to settle down and build our projects,

that we fell in love with this sublime region,

the richness of its natural, architectural, historical and cultural heritage, its welcoming inhabitants,

its sites and its bewitching landscapes. We also fell in love with this incredible building

that we have chosen as the setting for our new life and to make our dreams come true.


And as "Happiness is the only thing that can be doubled if shared" - Albert Schweitzer, 

what a pleasure it is for us to help you discover this superb "country" in which we are delighted to welcome you. 

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Nathalie HOUDIN

I was born in Lyon, France, and as a child I was already escaping into nature as soon as possible, to observe insects, birds, and climb trees. I had the chance to travel from a very young age, and photography was very quickly a source of pleasure and inspiration. So I chose to make it my profession!  After several years of artistic wedding photography, it is by regularly going to the mountains to recharge my batteries, in particular in contact with the ibex to which I dedicated a book, that I gradually became an animal photographer. My work has been published in numerous magazines, I give conferences, I exhibit my images in festivals and galleries in France and Europe, and I have been lucky enough to see several of my pictures awarded in international competitions. My work is based on photo reports (most recently in South Africa and Madagascar) focusing on conservation and the relationship between man and nature. I also intervene with schoolchildren for the Regional Natural Parks of Quercy and Chartreuse to make them aware of the nature that surrounds them through photography.

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I was born in Moselle and since I was a little girl I have been passionate about nature and animals. My vocation was born in the first grade: I wanted to become a veterinarian and this is the wonderful job I have been doing for 25 years.

My parents passed on to me a passion for travel and I am an insatiable globe-trotter. Travelling is discovering others and being nourished by their differences, marvelling at the extraordinary but fragile beauties of our sublime planet.

It was my father who inoculated me with the photography virus! What I like is to try to look at the world around me in a unique and creative way, while having fun and transmitting emotions.  

My passions have become such an important part of my life that they have come to disrupt it! In December 2019, I hung up my surgeon's coat, and decided to take the plunge by co-creating with Nathalie our travel agency, our guest house and our art gallery, to be able to live our passions to the fullest while sharing them with you. 

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Nature and animals are at the heart of our lives, and we have the pleasure of sharing them with our adorable dog, Fantôme, a  

white Swiss shepherd ,

and our three European cats Nazca, Kodak and Zoom.

Access to guest rooms and the art gallery

is forbidden to them ,

and to preserve their peace of mind,

we cannot accommodate other friends with truffles and mustaches.

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Contact us
  • Facebook - Atmosphères
  • Instagram - hors.serie.perigord
Nathalie Houdin & Florence Devaux-Dabenoc

2630 ROUTE DE MILLAC 24370 Peyrillac et Millac

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